Traci Blackmon
Do Americans Know How Much Trouble They’re In? – Eudaimonia and Co
Do Americans Know How Much Trouble They’re In? – Eudaimonia and Co
A President who invokes absolute authority to…pardon himself. An ambassador to Germany who declares he wants to…topple the German government. Senators — the most powerful people in democracy, save…
Philadelphia Incarceration Blues
Trump Goes to War With Philly; Immediately Loses
Trump Goes to War With Philly; Immediately Loses
It is actually remarkable how every single thing Trump does is the worst possible decision. Somehow, in his efforts to present himself as a freedom-fighting lover of liberty (who will definitely pardon himself of the crimes he’s committed against the country), Trump has become the unrepentant suit-wearing bad guy in a sports movie about underdogs who drink locally brewed beer and work at a factory.
He puts his name in gold on everything; he owns multiple golf courses; he made a whole television show about firing people. He’s literally every villain from the 80s except perhaps Hans Gruber.
Stretch My Trump!
Daily Action
“Real, total war has become information war. It is being fought by subtle electric informational media —under cold conditions, and constantly.”
The Medium is the Message by Marshall McLuhan | Animated Book Review (More meaningful now than when McLuhan first advanced this idea more that 40 years ago.)